This proposal addresses a legitimate safety issue; unlike some of the proposed energy drink bans, regulations to ban the sale of pure caffeine are a necessary step toward ensuring safe caffeine consumption.
before you jump up and down with all the reasons you think energy drink
bans are good, let me just say this: V8 V-Fusion has 80 mg of caffeine
from green tea. This is an energy drink, but would you have a problem
letting a 12 year old drink it? V8's energy drink has the same amount of
caffeine as an 8 ounce Red Bull, but they both that LESS CAFFEINE (and
potentially less sugar) than a tall mocha from Starbucks.
The rest of my arguments against energy drink regulations can be found here ("Why You Could Get Carded for Buying a V8"), here ("NY Bans Marketing of Red Bull but Misses the Bull's Eye"), and here ("Save Lives by Focusing on the Source of the Problem").
Senator Blumenthal (D-CT) is one of the six senators proposing this pure caffeine ban, and I have NOT been a fan of his other caffeine regulation proposals (see "Which comes first: supplement safety laws or the power to enforce them? The Durbin-Blumenthal Dietary Supplement Labeling Act").
But for this one time, I will stand with the Senator and support this pure caffeine ban.
Perhaps the best argument FOR this proposed ban on pure caffeine sales is the following stat:
- Source:
Dear FDA, I know you're under-staffed, under-appreciated and over-worked, and I know you've got your hands full with the necessary FSMA regulations. But can you do us all a favor and please, please, do something (swift) about this request. It'll make Mr. Richard Blumenthal (and Mr. Sherrod Brown) very happy.-GreenEyedGuide
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