Monday, August 17, 2015

Year's Reflection on Energy Drink of the Month -- YEAR TWO

Though some media outlets continue to paint all energy drinks with the same brush, the number of "energy drinks in disguise" is growing. Unless you're at an airport, it's getting easier to find an energy drink with less-than-extreme amounts of caffeine, no sugar, and no artificial colors or ingredients. You might even know someone who's tried to sell you an energy drink that can only be found online [buyer beware].
With the number of energy options increasing, it's growing more important to learn what distinguishes one energy drink from another. Through every Energy Drink of the Month post, we review the tools you need to consume caffeine safely, and discuss how to tell if an energy drink is right for you -- as in YOUR lifestyle and diet goals, and YOUR current energy needs or "Level of Fatigue".

Energy Drink of the Month -- A Year's Reflection

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