Monday, October 15, 2012

Green-Eyed Guide presents Food Science Note-worthy News: BPA

Another research study that can be spun both ways about the safety of BPA
Obese children and teenagers were found to have elevated BPA levels in their blood, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association [Association Between Urinary Bisphenol A Concentration and Obesity Prevalence in Children and Adolescents]
Those against BPA will say that this study suggests BPA is to blame for the obesity. BPA has zero calories, soda has too many "empty" calories, but well-founded arguments can and have been made that the mere presence of BPA in the system affects metabolism and consequently leads to obesity.
Those against BPA bans will say this study does not show that BPA caused the obesity. In fact, the researchers from NYU School of Medicine acknowledged that their study design doesn't allow them to definitively conclude BPA caused obesity. The study's main author said it's possible obese children have higher amounts of BPA in their blood because the chemical is stored, then later released from fat.
Conclusion – the science world still does not know enough about BPA to definitively conclude one way or the other about the safety of BPA. There are well-qualified experts on both sides, and both arguments can be backed by several well-done studies. 
I believe that if you are truly worried about something, you can find ways to live without it ("When in doubt, leave it out"). Personally, I feel that avoiding BPA for fear of the potential harm is not much different than slamming on the brakes for every single yellow light you ever come to for fear of running the red and getting hurt. There is not a clear or easy answer when it comes to usage of BPA. This study provides more information, but not any answers.

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